Thursday, July 01, 2004

Going in Circles Part II

Well now our bullpen is back where it started, blowing leades or chances at wins again and again, and Riske is back as our closer.
The idea of a "closer" is just ridiculous, I would like to see Wedge put our best reliever (and I guess Riske is that right now) in high leverage situations for example:
1.) If the oppsoing team's heart of the order is up in the eight, put Riske in then, dont waste him on 7-8-9, in the ninth innning because with our bullpen, if we let someone else face an opposing teams heart of the order Riske wont ever get in the game...thats not an effective way to use your best reliever.
2.) Also, if our bullpen gets in a jam in a close game, in the sixth inning and Wedge is looking for someone to put in the game..put in your BEST reliever to get out of the jam, keep the game close, and pitch him in the next inning to hopefully give us a chance to tie or take the lead.

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